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Afganistan: Konec okupacije

Object category:
Elektronische Ressource
Providing institution:
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha
Nicht zu entscheiden
In Afghanistan: The End of the Occupation, Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale offer a clear and succint view of the last fifty years of Afghan history, ending with the recent defeat and retreat of Western occupation forces. The authors, American-English anthropologists, began their fieldwork in Afghanistan almost fifty years ago, and they write about that country and its inhabitants with exemplary knowledge and exceptional understanding. Their narrative includes the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan in 1979, the civil war that followed the Soviet retreat, the seizure of power by the Taliban in the mid-1990s, the US military intervention late in 2001 that removed the Taliban from power, and the next twenty years of American occupation assisted by European powers. Afghanistan: The End of the Occupation was written immediately after the liberation of Afghanistan. With the informatiion it brings to our knowledge and the rejection of stereotypes and prejudice about Afghanistan in general and the Taliban in particular, it has contributed to better understanding of that world-changing event. So far, the text has been translated in eight languages
Afganistan: konec okupacije avtorjev Nancy Lindisfarne in Jonathana Neala jasno in nazorno prikazuje zadnjega pol stoletja afganistanske zgodovine, ki se je zaključila z nedavnim izgonom zahodnih okupacijskih sil iz države. Besedilo je oprto na izjemno poznavanje Afganistana in njegovih prebivalcev, saj sta pisca, ameriško-britanska antropologa, tam začela z raziskovalnim delom pred skoraj petdesetimi leti. Njuna pripoved zajema sovjetsko vojaško intervencijo v Afganistanu, državljansko vojno, ki je sledila sovjetskemu umiku iz države, talibanski prevzem oblasti sredi 90. let prejšnjega stoletja, ameriški napad na državo konec leta 2001, ki je talibane odstranil z oblasti, in nadaljnjih dvajset let okupacije s pomočjo evropskih vojsk. Besedilo je bilo napisano takoj po osvoboditvi Afganistana in s svojo informativnostjo ter zavračanjem stereotipov in predsodkov pomembno prispeva k razumevanju tega prelomnega svetovnozgodovinskega dogodka. Doslej je bilo prevedeno v osem jezikov
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