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Sea Maps: For a History of Globalization from the Perspective of Water.

Oskar Hecker, Die Tonga-Tiefe und ihre Umgebung, Berlin 1908, 29 × 21 cm, Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Sammlung Perthes, SPK 547$112325955

Sea Maps: For a History of Globalization from the Perspective of Water.

Maps, especially sea and ocean maps, have played a marginal role in the history of globalization so far, although they visualize maritime spaces along with their associated global connections like hardly any other medium. Therefore, this project sought to tell a hitherto unknown story with the help of these maps, which should open up a new perspective on the genesis of the current global world. Two significant collections formed the basis of the project: the Perthes Collection at the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt and the Map and Navigation Collection of the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven.

The interdisciplinary research consortium aimed to access and investigate examples of sea and ocean maps and make the results accessible to a wider audience. The project saw itself as a contribution to a historically-mediated exploration of the relationship between humans and the ocean.

Project activities and results:


  • Iris Schröder, Felix Schürmann & Wolfgang Struck (Eds.), Jenseits des Terrazentrismus. Kartographien der Meere und die Herausbildung der globalen Welt, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022.
  • Wolfgang Struck, Ruth Schilling, Frederic Theis & Florian Tüchert, Karten-Reisen. Von Meereswissen und Welterfahrung, Wiesbaden: Corso, 2021.
  • Wolfgang Struck, Iris Schröder, Felix Schürmann & Elena Stirtz, Karten-Meere. Eine Welterzeugung, Wiesbaden: Corso, 2020.
  • Kristina Kuhn & Wolfgang Struck, Aus der Welt gefallen: Die Geographie der Verschollenen, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2019.
  • Jens Ruppenthal, Ruth Schilling & Martin P. M. Weiss (Eds.), Von Flaschenpost bis Fischreklame. Die Wahrnehmung des Meeres im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau, 2019.
  • Complete list of publications (including articles and book chapters)


  • Exhibition “Maps – Knowledge – Sea: Globalisation from the Perspective of Water” in Bremerhaven, 25 February to 21 March 2022, German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institute for Maritime History Bremerhaven
  • Virtual exhibition “Maps – Knowledge – Sea: Globalisation from the Perspective of Water” at the exhibition portal in Gotha, since 29 November 2021, Gotha Research Library


  • Find a complete list of project-related presentations and events here.

Scholarly Blog

Project Information:

Transcultural Studies / Gotha Perthes Collection
Gotha Research Library

Project Management
Prof. Dr. Iris Schröder (University Erfurt)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Struck (University Erfurt)
Prof. Dr. Ruth Schilling (German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institute of Maritime History)

Project Participants
Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner (German Maritime Museum/University Bremen)
Dr. Felix Schürmann (University Erfurt/Transcultural Studies)
Dr. Frederic Theis (German Maritime Museum)
Dr. Petra Weigel (Gotha Research Library)
Elena Stirtz, M.A. (University Erfurt/Transcultural Studies)
Florian Tüchert M.A. (University Bremen)
Anna-Maria Hünnes M.A. (University Erfurt/Transcultural Studies)
Paul Skäbe (University Erfurt)
Svea Ueckermann (University Erfurt)
Dominic Keyßner (University Erfurt)

Project Partners

Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Yixu Lu (University of Sydney)
Dr. Richard Blakemore (University of Reading)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Dünne (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Dr. Chris Fleet (National Library of Scotland/Edinburgh)
Prof. Dr. Sabine Höhler (Royal Institute of Technology/Stockholm)
Dr. Jan Parmentier (Museum aan de Stroom/Antwerpen)
Dr. Bernhard Struck (University of St. Andrews)


Interdisciplinary project in the funding line 'Language of Objects' with total funding of 1.1 million Euro

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