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Karst Rock Features: Karren sculpturing

Object category:
Elektronische Ressource
Providing institution:
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha
Nicht zu entscheiden
Rock features are important traces of the formation and development of karst surface. On various karren their record is especially rich, revealing to us the many factors that in diverse conditions formed the karst surface on various carbonate and other rock.We have tried to present the most characteristic rock features and through them the most important factors and processes in the formation of the karst surface, the methods of studying them, and the most outstanding examples.Forty-nine contributing authors offer a wide spectrum of content and examples of rock forms from many karst regions around the world.The first part of the book offers an orderly-organized survey and description of the most characteristic rock forms and presents the physical and chemical corrosion of rock, biocorrosion, the modeling of rock forms, their detailed morphometrics, and numerous descriptions of individual rock forms. The second part is devoted to various examples of rock forms found around the world from Slovenia through North and South America to Australia and Asia
Skalne oblike so pomembna sled oblikovanja in razvoja površinskih kraških pojavov. Še zlasti bogat je njihov zapis na različnih škrapljah. Razkriva nam številne dejavnike, ki v raznovrstnih razmerah oblikujejo kraško površje na različnih karbonatnih in drugih kamninah. Skušali smo zajeti najbolj značilne skalne oblike in skozi njih najbolj pomembne dejavnike in procese oblikovanja kraškega površja ter načine njihovega raziskovanja in najbolj izrazite primere. Širok spekter vsebine razkriva tudi nabor 49 avtorjev in primeri skalnih oblik s številnih kraških področji sveta. Prvi del knjige smiselno podaja pregled najbolj značilnih skalnih oblik in njihov opis, predstavlja fizikalno-kemično raztapljanje kamnine, biokorozijo, modeliranje skalnih oblik, njihovo podrobno morfometrijo ter številne opise posameznih skalnih oblik. Drugi del knjige je posvečen različnim primerom skalnih oblik širom sveta od Slovenije, prek severne in južne Amerike do Avstralije in Azije
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